When I can't get to the mill...

When I can't get to the mill...

Do you have a particular chore that you RREEAALLYY dislike when you have to do it?  This is mine.  Here's what happens when I'm in between mill trips...I have to wash, pick and card the wool myself before it gets turned into anything fun.  

Can you believe I used to do this all myself before I started to send it out?  One year I washed, picked and carded 29 fleeces. That's a lot of wool. Yuck! 

I still have 500 pounds in Texas waiting for a ride to Michigan to the mill.  I can't wait to get wool that someone else has milled.  I want to just do the fun stuff, like create!

This wool is going to be turned into some kits for a class that I'm teaching at the Marshall MN Library.  

Hope you're having a fantastic summer!!


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